It's Halloween and that means it's time to check my list of winter household prep items. Every year going into Halloween, I perform some routine stuff to make sure my house is ready for the winter season.
Here is my list of things to do:
- Blow out the sprinklers - I tried doing this myself but realized this should be left to the professionals. You really need a mega powered air compressor.
- Put covers on all the spigots.
- Fertilize the lawn one last time using a winterizer mix.
- Put the garden beds to sleep by pulling and laying down whatever was growing there and putting a layer of leaves on top to protect the soil and allow for some decomposition.
- Turn on the whole house humidifier.
- Change the filter on the humidifier.
- Turn on and test the furnace.
- Change the filter on the furnace.
- Turn on a test the fireplace.
- Check and change the water filter in the fridge.
- Check my pantry to make sure I have necessary water and bulk ingredients.
- Check my backup fuel tanks and emergency equipment.
- Change the tires on the cars to snow-rated tires - all season tires are not ideal.
I use this blog myself as my own checklist. Hopefully others find it helpful as well. Let me know if there is anything I should add or tweak.
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