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Homemade Prepared Horseradish

For this year's upcoming Thanksgiving, I decided to try preparing my own horseradish instead of buying the store bought version that is full of chemicals. Just look at the recipe label below! There are some brands with simpler, more natural ingredients, but figured I'd try a homemade version and save some money. The ingredients couldn't be simpler:


  • 150g horseradish root peeled (about 6oz unpeeled and about 1 cup minced)
  • 1 cup white vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt (3g)
For the directions, it's really quite easy. Just follow the steps below. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to wear kitchen gloves. I was fine using my exposed hands but just made sure to wash my hands after each step before touching anything else.

  • Peel the outer brown skin off the horseradish root using a vegetable peeler. 
  • Dice the peeled root into cubes.
  • Add the cubes to a food processor or high powered blender.
  • Pulse to break up the cubes then blend for 30-60 seconds until finely minced like the texture of grated parmesan cheese.
  • Be careful opening the lid. The powder in the air can irritate eyes. You may want to do this step outside by taking the blender or food processor vessel outside. Slowly open the lid and allow the powder to dissipate.
  • Bring back indoors and add the minced horseradish to a mixing bowl. Add the salt and 1/2 cup of vinegar and stir to combine.
  • Scoop the mixture into a 12oz or 16oz jar and press the mixture down to the base as much as possible. 
  • Gently pour in the remaining vinegar until the horseradish is fully submerged.
  • Screw on the lid and refrigerate for up to 6 months.
